

Neighbourhood Support is a nationwide community led movement that brings people and neighbourhoods together to create safe, resilient and connected communities.  We work alongside NZ Police and other partners to create safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, reducing the incidents and effects of crime, building community resilience and strengthening community networks to improve the quality of life and enhance well-being.

Neighbourhood Support is a great way to get to know the people that live around you. When you join, you will receive emails and alerts that will keep you up-to-date about your community, gain tips and resources to improve your household and neighbourhood safety, learn how you can be better prepared for emergencies, and more!

By working together we can support each other, solve local issues and make our streets and neighbourhoods safer and more welcoming.

Why join?

A well-connected community helps to improve the safety, resilience and well-being of all residents. When you join a Neighbourhood Support group you will:

  • Have a great way to get to know the people that live around you.
  • Receive emails and alerts that will keep you up-to-date with news from our community partners, including NZ Police.
  • Gain tips and resources to improve your household and neighbourhood safety.
  • Learn how you can be better prepared for emergencies.
  • By working together we can support each other, solve local issues and make our neighbourhoods safer and more welcoming.


           Best of all, it’s FREE to join!

How do I get involved?

It’s easy!

You can either join an existing group or form a new one.

When you join a group you get to decide what works best for you.

You can share the information you want with who you want and your group can meet when and how it likes.

You could:

  • Meet regularly or as needed.
  • Stay connected online or by email.
  • Host street barbecues or events.
  • Volunteer to be a street contact.
  • Get organised and undertake some neighbourhood projects.

To learn more, give us a call on

3 Ways To Connect With Your Neighbours…

• Reach Out Wave, say ‘kia ora!’ or introduce yourself. Welcome new residents to your street when they move in.
• Look Out Help keep your community safe by looking out for your neighbours. If something doesn’t look right let them know or get help if needed.
• Help Out Share any surplus from your garden or fruit trees. Offer to take the rubbish out for someone who needs a hand. Take time to have a chat with someone who lives alone. There are many ways you can make a difference in your community!

Neighbours that know each other are more likely to offer, accept and ask for help when they need it. Let’s build a stronger Aotearoa by staying more connected.

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